Archive: Bvl2201

2018 | 2019 |
Spring Classics | Giro d'Italia | Tour de France | Vuelta a Espana | Autumn

Points:  2373
Total Ranking:  1417
Remaining budget:  61
Yearpoints:  502 (2373////)
Yearranking:  1945

My Cyclers: Pts: 2373

Team Time Trial00000005000050
2nd Stage1100000000000110
3th Stage1100000000000110
4th Stage10010004000000114
5th Stage100240000000034
6th Stage1070241100002300174
7th Stage8500010000500100
8th Stage100002800010500143
9th Stage10007500003500102
10th Stage10000000050015
11th Stage10400000050019
Time Trial10000000050015
13th Stage1100000000500115
14th Stage100045000000055
15th Stage10008004003000124
16th Stage101205000000027
17th Stage1100050000000115
18th Stage10005000000015
19th Stage100045012007500142
20th Stage10005000040019
21th Stage85005000000090
Final Ranking600031507500220015685

List of honour
Race Place
Giro d'Italia 1417
2018 Overall Year Ranking 1994

Complete list of honour

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